Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh What Fun!!!

Linda, that's a great idea! No one will notice she's a little different.

Ok...I started my preceptorship this week and it is a blast! I helped deliver 2 babies yesterday, a boy and a girl, and then today worked in the evaluation unit where they are admitted and determined to be in labor or not. They (the other nurses) said I am catching on very quick and think I should work there. I told them to pass the word on to their superiors and one said she already has!!

Shelby lost another tooth today but left it at school. Jamie told her that the tooth fairy doesn't pay up on your word. Ha!

Tomorrow is my last day of school, thank goodness! Especially now that I have a carpet issue to take care of. Last week when we had so much rain, it came in through the floor of the basement (we presume) and soaked 1/4 of the carpet. Now it smells a little foul (moldy)and we've put the house on a "no show" until we resolve the issue. Any ideas??


1 comment:

Baker Blog said...

Reva what fun. I am very proud of you. We talked to Your uncle Joe this week. He says you turned out to be a good kid. He said your Mom did a good job raising you. But lets not tell her that. She will get the big head. We like to say we all helped raise you you know.