After a sleepless night at the Kansas State University Horse Unit, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world at about 10:30 this morning! It was definitely one of those "this is going to change my life forever" kind of moments. I can't even begin to express what a true joy it was to watch new life enter the world. (I didn't even think it was disgusting for one second!) I know all you with kids probably think I'm kind of nuts but these horses are kind of like my kids right now! It was so wonderful to see the filly take her first breath, to watch her blink and absorb her new world. I don't want to jump the gun but I might have found a career path to follow finally!
Besides foaling, my classes this spring have been pretty great! I'm out at the horse unit all the time training 2 year olds, checking pregnant mares, playing with newborns and always getting put to work! Most of my classes are reproduction related and they're clearly holding my interest! I am taking this one real class (physics) which is kind of a bummer since all I want to do is be outside with my four-legged furry friends!
The weather here has been similar to St. Louis except without the accumulation of snow! It's been sunny and 60 one day and snowy and 20 the next. I'm still not used to this roller coaster Kansas weather!
Pistol is doing great, we're working very hard on his manners. He's a good boy 98% of the time, its just that other 2% I've got to watch out for! His birthday is coming up; I need to get shopping for a present! (He's SO hard to shop for!)
Dad called me yesterday evening from Cancun. They made it safely and I'm sure they're having a fantastic time!
Keep Smiling!
Love, Katie :)
How exciting that we are interested in the same thing...except I like the human ones! Must be our birthday connection. :)
Great to hear from Kater Bug! I'm thrilled that you are enjoying you r classes. Sounds like you are very busy.
Aunt LC
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