Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Tony, I live for your posts. You should be on Comedy Central. I love it. Buy the way, I have some car wash tokens if you need some.
Doyle, Linda has my e-mail address but it is my name with my middle initail and the year I was born at yahoo.com. Now if you can remember that, you are doing great. Jody, did Ryan get the card I sent him. Wasn't there a movie about that?
Caroline, thanks for the tutoral, when us grandma's go on our weekend get away we will have to post pictures of all the girls. The pictures of Keaton are so cute. Oh and you and Brian are as well.
Jo-D, we will not be down until Saturday morning of Easter weekend. Reva and I have an easter egg hunt Friday night. O k guys, gotta check the next pacemaker. Please keep me laughing.


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