Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So Reva

I am so glad everyone is enjoying this! I have enjoyed reading everyone's post, but we need to make sure that everyone else knows about it. I sent an email to Sue and mom said that Charlie called her today but wasn't able to get on. Lana and Jo might need to forward him my instructions! :) I want to make sure that Chris and Jen are also aware of what we're doing but I do not have their email addresses...

Interview went well, so now we wait! Only 3 more weeks of class and it was just emailed out today that graduation will be on the 9th of May at 1pm (odd) at the Chase Park Plaza. Ryan's graduation from boot camp will be the same day so I understand some will travel. I told Jamie I didn't even care if I went to mine since it is my second career! :) We have a dance competition that weekend and then



Baker Blog said...

just sent an e-mail to Charlie with instructions for blog.

Baker Blog said...

Also e-mailed Chris/Beth and Jenny/Grant.