Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter at the Baker House

Ok...Here's what we found out this weekend.
Grandma does not remember what the name of her pet duck was, but Doyle and Jo were both right sort of. The duck's demise came when she was on a trailer (teeter tottering it back and forth) and it got hit and died.

Grandma and Grandpa have never really had any big fights in their 60 years, according to the way they tell it! :) And he tells me that every time I am down there!

Mom found out that they met at the skating rink, and if she had never moved out of her dad's house they probably would had never met. She regrets that she moved out leaving her dad to raise the younger children, but grandpa doesn't. :)

We felt like Grandpa hasn't deteriorated any...asked the same question a few times over the weekend ("Where are we eating lunch at on Sunday?") Mom thought Grandma was a wee better...she remembered what she needed to take to Jo's house for lunch and mom didn't! :)She also remembered that she had taken medicine to Walmart to be filled that had not picked up yet. Not bad. I dusted, wiped down the kitchen, and mom mopped the kitchen floor.

We had a good time playing Wii, hunting Easter Eggs, and visiting with Cheri and the kids. Missed all the rest of you!


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