Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No animals were injured in the writing of this post

Tony and Sara here, Tony typing and Sara editing over my shoulder. Thanks Reva for setting this up. We are doing fine, and can attest that the weather conditions here, less than one mile northwest of Casa De Paul&Lana, are also snow-free, but for some reason, it is about 20 degrees warmer in this part of town. Sorry, that is just an inconvenient truth. The snowfall was oddly patterned in SW MO as well, as Tony's parents got no snow, either, while Springfield and West Plains got dumped on.

Caleb came home with his Math Hall of Fame medal today. He was justly proud of the achievement, though I was disappointed that it did not involve any significant financial compensation. However, academic bling-bling is fashionable for the achiever to sport around the neck. As long as it does not involve his getting "grillz."

Ella is sporting a new hairstyle these days. Not by our choice, mind you, she had taken it upon herself to hack off some of her own locks the other night down in the basement. She also managed to cut her t-shirt, her jeans, and socks. Discussion then ensued in which she was reminded that scissors are for paper, and paper only.

Nate's vocabulary continues to expand, albeit slowly. His latest addition: "Mooooove!", usually accompanied by a vigorous nudge. Sara seems to think he is smarter than his limited vocabulary would indicate, with some of the things he figures out. Like unscrewing (not just popping open, but actually unscrewing) the cap on the lotion, coming to tell us our freezer is leaking. And, lo and behold, when I got on here, little man has his own blog. We had no idea he held such devout political beliefs. And I thought the Whig Party passed into oblivion long ago. Oh well.

All for now. Robertsons, out.


Baker Blog said...

Yeah...we heard about Miss Ella's fine haircut. Could you please not send scissors to Alabama with her?? Thanks.

Sara-have you ever heard of Strattera (sp?) NOT working for a child? We switched recently so out evenings and mornings could go as easily as Mrs. Koester's days seem to be and it has totally backfired! It's been over 2 weeks and doc says wait until Friday, but then it's back to the good ol'Rit. Weird.

Baker Blog said...

previous comment from Reva Fran...keep forgetting to sign these things!

Baker Blog said...

Ella is awfully proud of her hair styling abilities...but I would still be a little leery of her with a pair of scissors. I have not heard of anyone having any concerns with Strattera. Most families I know have had pretty good results. Some of the families have had concerns with appetite loss. However, as with any medication, it all depends on the individual. Sorry I'm not more helpful.


Baker Blog said...

Not a problem...I talked to her teacher today and she said it's been like she's not even on medicine! I then called the doctor and got her switched back to Rit. It worked fine, we just wanted to see it's beautiful effects too! Stupid, selfish parents!