Friday, March 14, 2008

Cakes dpne and so am I

I finished all the cakes, took pictures for the auction, then donated the cakes to the church spring fling bake sale. Worked out perfectly!

Paul and I played nine holes today. Very wet, but the weather was grand. Unfortunately, my game did not magically improve over the winter.

I joined a book club last night and a bible study group. Paul probably is wondering if I'm trying to get away from him. This is truly the way I envisioned retirement. Clubs, volunteering, card clubs, daytrips. Sue Hanner doesn't understand why I'm so content. She has been retired,oh,three months and is already looking for some kind of job. I think about a two day a week job once in a while then I regain my senses and continue what I'm doing.

We had the yard aerated and seeded on Wednesday, then it rained last night. I am so ready to buy plants and shrubs. I have already walked around the yard several times looking for signs of life. Nothing yet.

Ella has had her hair straightened up. I haven't seen it, but it's Ella so it has to be cute, right?


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