I just realized on my way home from dance that I was missing Biggest Loser! Who left?? I hate that I didn't get to see it, that's my favorite show.
Jo I am feeling much better~after ending up at the doctor's office crying because I felt so bad. She gave me a z-pac? Anyway she felt really bad after I told her that I had called twice the week before and once was told to go to the Urgent care!
Audrey will start working on her duet with Ryan, the owner's son, this weekend. Everyone at the studio is really excited to see how it turns out because they are really cute together. They will have it ready for the next competition hopefully. I will let you all know when that is in case you would like to see it. We got news that the recital will be on the 29th of June, poor Shelby, and will be 2 shows this year. Normally we have 4 shows that are all 3 hours long, but this year with it being a new studio it is shorter and not as many shows. YEAH!
We found out today in class where we will be completing the last 6 weeks of our clinicals. We got to pick our top three choices, and I got exactly what I wanted! Labor and Delivery at St. John's!! I just interviewed there last week for a job so I am hoping that this will be better than a second interview and they'll consider me a shoe in. Pray I don't drop a baby! :) That wouldn't look good.
Oh baby! They did not vote anybody off. Instead they brought back all of the voted off people. They weighed all of them. The two losing the most weight since they have left was broght back to the show. The ball baby brother came back and so did the pink Lady Ali. He went back on the blue team and she went on the black team.
I took my lunch at Mom and Dad's today. They were on their way out to go see Dora and Carl. I checked Mom's medicines and she is taking them right. Last night she called me to see if I knew who the new white tennis shows belonged to!!! I told her, "you Mom". I had to remind her who bought them for her birthday. "Oh, well I guess that's right, they fit me".
We talked today about who will be here for Easter? We discussed whether to go out or fix a meal after church. Dad said we would just eat at home so the kids can hide eggs all afternoon. Mom thinks we should all hunt eggs together. Having a teenage grandson, I'm going to buy bags of chips, soda's, packs of gum and the such to hide as well as eggs. Something other than a lot of candy.
Time for bed.
The Maternity supervisor at SFH/Litchfield has seen babies shoot out so fast they shoot on into the trash bin! 'Course mom and dad never know that...
and they do pick them up right away...;-]
Good luck/prayers for the interview!
Suzie Austin
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