Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ready for the weekend

I FOUND A BATHING SUIT. Now this may be an oximoron, but I found a really cute old lady bathing suit with a skirt. I am ready to wow them at the hotel this weekend. I haven't packed my panties yet, but I'm thinking about it.
Shelby and Audrey would be proud.

Paul put in two new faucets for me this morning. Since we're on a fixed income, I'd be happy to hire him out as a faucet-putter-inner. He's not cheap though, it costs a lot in gas for the number of trips he makes to the hardware store. He can also install light fixtures. Any takers? There are a couple of draw-backs to hiring Paul. I have to come too, and you must feed us.

We have baseball again tonight!

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