Friday, April 18, 2008


How much did you folks in KC and Mexico feel the quake? What about the Alabama Kimbels?Did you feel the aftershock at 10:15? I was in class during that one, which I was kind of glad for because I was disappointed that I had not been conscious for the beginning of the first. It was neat feeling the waves of the aftershock roll through the stool I was sitting on. Beth was not even aware that the midwest ever had earthquakes (my fault for not educating her) so then I told her about the New Madrid fault and the giant quake someone predicted for Missouri in the early 90's that of course never happened.

Did they ever have earthquake drills in the 60s and 70s, or were you too busy with hiding under your desks to protect from nuclear attacks? Both are pretty useless, as far as I'm concerned.

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