Thursday, April 10, 2008


I had hoped to post earlier in the week, however time got away from me. Work is incredibly busy and I usually post from the office.

Brian and I went to Chandler, AZ, over the weekend. We took advantage of the free airfare that I had as I flew out on Wednesday for a meeting. We stayed at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort. It was fabulous! It was so nice to sit in the sun in 80 degree weather. I can say without a bit of remorse that we did nothing but sit by the pool. Next trip we'll try to get in some golf and hopefully a horseback ride. The resort is owned by the Gila River Community, two Native American tribes, the Pimas and the Maricopa, that came together pre-civil war. The history is fascinating. BTW, the Pimas originally grew Pima cotton.

Keaton is refusing to use the potty, yet begs to be moved to the Beetlebug room at school. A little person cannot be a part of the Beetlebug room without being potty-trained. We are trying our first shot at bribery with a new backpack if he will use the potty all the time. I don't have high hopes as I am pretty sure that I am going to be considered a failure at potty training. I am willing to live with that, so I hope Brian will take over those duties.

The picture was taken from our balcony of the hotel room.


Baker Blog said...

No worries Caroline...I don't even take credit for potty training Audrey. It was La Petite that did it all!! Thank you LPA.


Baker Blog said...

Caroline, I am no pro at potty training, but I do have as many as 16 potty trainers go through Small World in a years time. There is no sure way to potty train, except to keep trying. When Keaton is ready, he will do it himself. I do know one thing, keeping a child in pull-ups all the time will not give him the sensation of wetting his pants. We resently had a boy turning 4 in one week. His mother was beside herself. I suggested that she take off that pull-up and put him in "big boy pants" and he never wet his pants again.He might have an accident, but he is still in big boy pants.