Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's me...Linda!!!

My first time to post:-)

Doyle and I worked out in the yard all day today getting some much needed work done. It seems every time we wanted to get out the weather wasn't very cooperative. Hopefully we'll be able to get some deck flowers soon!

Kate was home a few weeks ago and we celebrated her 21st birthday. Hard to believe it's almost 21 years that we first brought her home. She leaves in a few weeks for her school trip to Ireland, Scotland and England. She found out when she went to the bank to get US dollars changed to Euros and pounds just how weak the US dollar is in Europe..."Mom I lost half my money!"

Paul and Lana, glad you had a good time. Doyle and I did Tunica last month and had fun. It's amazing how long you can play with $20 on the penny slots. We've decided we wouldn't mind going back sometime if nothing else just to visit our money!!!

We'll be going to Jackson for Mother's Day...JoD do you know what the plans are? If we're cooking let me know and I'll plan on bringing something down.


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