Saturday, May 3, 2008

Has everybody gotten tired of Posting? I realize Lana and Paul have been out of town, but think of how disappointed they will be to come home and the first thing they do is run to the computor to read the Baker happenings while they were gone. I'm sure they will be full of pictures and exciting reports of their trip.
Tom and I, for the first time in our 33 years of marriage, signed papers to put our house on the market. We are looking at a very large, old home on Bellueve in Jackson. It has 5 bedrooms and two baths. We are taking Mom and Dad over Monday to look at it. You can view it at Top 10 listing. 108 Bellevue.
We will be leaving Wednesday for South Carolina for Ryan's graduation from bootcamp. After he graduates, he will be able to have access to a computor, providing he has time. He will be at Fort Lee Virgina for AIT. I will get his address for everybody again. Thanks to all of those who wrote him. We will be taking Cheri and the kids with us. Pray for Tom and I! Libby does not travel well!!
Tom will retire at the end of May from School bus driving. Yeah!!! He turned 62 on April 28th. He will draw his first SS check in June. His plans are to continue to dreive, Part time, for the Southeast Mo. State U. shuttle. College students are much easier to handle than 65 screaming grade school kids.
Have a great day. Love you all.
PS. I talked to Ashley this morning, She had a ball game this week and earned the Game Ball! She had 3 RBI's. She was very proud. Her Dad put the ball up for her, "Way High".



Baker Blog said...

Do you have the listing number? The top 10 were changed this morning and I am not seeing it.


Baker Blog said...

Reva, it is listing #58639. You'll love it. Jo-D, I want you to have this house so badly. I'll help with window treatments and the yard. I can have my own bedroom.

Baker Blog said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Dear Tom, Happy Birthday to you.

LC and PD

Baker Blog said...

JoD looks really neat...hope you get it!! We'll be down next weekend, maybe we can drive over to see it.


Chuck Baker said...

beautiful home!

Baker Blog said...

Very cute! So much room I think you'll get lost, esp in the basement since you've never had one! Grandpa's right about the porch...and once Lana helps clean up the backyard I think it will be perfect! If we aren't moving at the same time we'll help too but we hope to be one the move at the same time.
