Monday, February 15, 2016

And it begins...

    Today was the first day of radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation was early...820 AM! They had explained to me last week what would happen so I felt pretty prepared and calm. They talked me through everything and even let me pick the Pandora station I wanted to listen to! I chose 80's today which I then doesn't simply listen to 80' rocks out to 80's...except when you are told to lay completely still. Ha! So there I am laying with my eyes closed (gown down so they can see the marked area for the lasers) just listening to the tunes, when I am shocked to hear one of my doctors talking right next to me! I almost jumped off the table! LOL! The rest of the treatment was fast and uneventful, thank goodness!

    Mom and I went to grab breakfast since we had 45 min to kill. We then headed up to my Chemo Education with the NP. She was very nice and offered lots of help and information. She walked us to the lab where they accessed my port for the first time. THANK YOU DARLENE! She loaned me her numbing cream and I am so thankful! They drew labs, which they will do before every chemo treatment. She then walked us into the infusion room. There we hit a seems no one had had my chemo run through my insurance and received authorization. Great. We waited for almost 3 hours while they tried to call the insurance company, only to find out that they were closed for President's Day. They then called their manager and got the go ahead. OMG. They have had more than a week to get this taken care of, right?

   Michelle was a savior and brought us lunch! We took snacks, but the 3 hour delay really didn't help! Darlene came up and talked to us after her radiation treatment and brought a gift from sweet! Thank you! The real MVP of the day was Jamie P. She picked up Jack and Audrey (Shelby didn't want to leave her cave), took them to lunch, and took Audrey to dance for me! MWAH!

   They started my pre chemo meds which included anti-nausea meds and Benadryl. They also gave a dose of Decadron. All of a sudden I started to feel dizzy. We realized it was the Benadryl and let it go. They started the Taxol and within minutes I was hot and sweating. I closed my eyes and drifted off, waking to my mom fanning me with a magazine. So hot! They weren't too concerned and continued to run the meds. The RN said I tolerated it well...ok...and then ran the second one which is Carboplastin. We were able to leave about 415. Next Monday won't be as long since I "tolerated" the Taxol and they will be able to run it faster than today. Mom and I laughed about a suggestion the NP had given. She suggested I have them give me a dose of Ativan IV with my pre chemo meds. Given my response to the Benadryl, I think mom would have been carrying me out if I had had the Ativan too! LOL!

   I came home to yummy chili from Jamie P (THANK YOU) and freezer meals from Amy G (THANKS!!!). My behind landed on the couch and well...that was it! It was an exhausting day but I felt good that I was actually taking action against this disease.

                                         Time to Show Cancer Who's Boss! This Girl!

The rest of the week is just radiation so unless something big happens I may not update until next week when I meet with the doctor. Love you all!

1 comment:

Kogelerk said...

One down girl!!! You will rock this, it won't be an easy task but it sounds like you have wonderful support! I pray from here for you Reva❤️