Monday, September 1, 2008

Everything is on the move!

After much effort and lots of Fleets, Daddy's bowels are on the move. He called me yesterday to tell me he was heading to the hospital. I ask him why and he told me he can't poop (he didn't use those words). I called his nurse and she called him and told him to sit tight (no pun intended). She called me and sent to Wal Mart with a list of thinks sure to get things moving. After several hours and to many stories about KY Jelly, he decided to go to bed and tttrrryyy to sleep ( "but it's hard to sleep when your butt is burning"). This morning there was still no action. I returned to Daddy's for another dose of fleets, ex-lax, and yes KY Jelly, things finally moved later in the morning. When I called to talk to him this afternoon, he said he "filled the toilet". I know now why Gail is a nurse and I am a pre-school teacher.

How did you all spend your Labor Day!


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