Monday, September 8, 2008

The Birk's

I thought I would just say hi and give an update as to the workings of the Birk household...

I am still loving my new job. This week I am in the operating room doing c-sections. It's pretty interesting to see what I have been through twice already...almost makes me not want to do it again! They actually take your whole uterus out and check for looks kind of like a turkey, weird!

Shelby and Audrey love school and I love their teachers. It makes me sad now to think that we are trying to move because they are both doing so well...we just really need a bigger house! They have started back to dance and are taking about 3 classes each. Makes for a pretty hectic week for Jamie and I but it's also a great socialization time for us.

Jamie is having to change his schedule right now to accomodate my new job, and unfortunately might have to make the change permanent. We've thought of every alternative and just can't get around it. He's such a good sport I am afraid one day he might explode from all the crap he's had to take! :)

Well, I am off to get ready for my garage sale. I need to get this in before fall hits!


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