Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From Jackson

Tom and I spent two days cleaning out Dad's flower bed at the corner of the house. Oh my gosh!
We planted flowers and mulched. We left the middle of the flower bed empty for Dad to put pepper plants in. But we can't find any. When Dad got home today from fishing with Doyle, he told me the flower bed looked good, but why did'nt we finish it? Ha Ha!! Doyle said they had a great time. When I stopped by they were all sitting in the garage eating left over chicken. I thought they went fishing!
The mailbox has been moved to the side of the house. Mom could not be any more pleased. She was worried about how close it was to the street on the other side too. Now they need a path or a sidewalk to the mailbox so they don't have to go through the wet grass. Any takers? Stepping stones would be great.
I hear Lana has already wore out her new swing.


Baker Blog said...

Dumb question but does that mean that their address changes??


Chuck Baker said...

I actually think that's a great question - one I would not have thought.

Where have ya'll been looking for pepper plants? They had a bunch of different ones at garden centers early in the spring.