Today was my last day of chemo...for this round at least. I'll explain more in a bit!
Labs were fine, only 3 radiation after today! The next three radiation are what they call boost radiation. For the first 25 I have had the area with lymph nodes and mass treated. Now they will focus more on just the mass. I will have about 3 weeks off and then a PET scan to see the progress. They have to wait that long because the treatments will make the whole area "hot" and will light up. After a few weeks the area will have "cooled off" and only the cancer cells will light up. That test will be on 4/15. I will then meet with Dr Kosuri that day as well for a follow up. She will give me the results and let me know if the plan changes at all.
Jamie P took me to chemo today. Thanks girl! It was short (I slept) and sweet (I'm done!). While we waited an hour for a chair though! They were busy today. It's really eye opening to see how many others are going through this is some way or another. During my treatment I called the surgeon. We put a date down for the 19th of April! That's A month away! Ahh! Crazy! So far the plan is still 7-10 days in the hospital and 2 months off. I'm so nervous already. That's a whole month almost of unpaid time. Yikes.
Please say a quick prayer for my BFF Jamie today too. Though they say the results are fine, the final pathology hasn't come back from a test last week. I know she is nervous and is telling everyone "Reva and I have done a lot together! I do NOT want to do cancer together too!" Haha! Me either sister, me either! ❤️