Sorry I haven't posted any updates recently! I feel like the past 3 months have flown by, which is not a bad thing given how crappy I felt!
My last post left off the day of my first treatment. That was a horrible week. Lots of nausea, very little eating/drinking. I ended up going to the ED once for fluids only because i had dropped 15 lbs and my oncologist was worried my electrolytes would be out of whack. There were fine. Probably the only bonus to starting out chemo overweight is that you have the weight to lose...I went to the ED on Monday night and Tuesday morning woke up feeling amazing. We're not sure if it was because of the fluids or because it had been a week since treatment. Whatever it was, I didn't care!
The second treatment was a little better, only because I don't remember it. Haha! Jackson went to Papa Roy's and the girls were at church camp for the beginning of the week. I took Ativan and Phenergan every 6 hours around the clock and slept through the next week. I felt bad that I wasn't "present" for the girls, but Jamie and my mom checked on them and kept them fed! My mom even taught Audrey to mow the yard! Woo hoo!
The third treatment I think my body was finally getting used to the chemo. They give you premeds every treatment for nausea, and they are supposed to last up to 5 days. That had not been the case thr first two treatments, but I could definitely tell a difference this time! I didn't sleep through the entire week, but Jackson did go play with Papa Roy again just in case.
Dr. K had prescribed an oral chemo that I was supposed to take the entire 63 days as well, but it made me pretty sick. We decided to cut it from the regimen and just go with the IV stuff. I was really thankful for that decision, but will kick myself if I have a recurrence.
Speaking of recurrence, I had a CT this week and a followup Dr. appointment. The scan was clean. Amen! At my appointment I asked what the percentage of recurrence is. She stated that in her experience she would say 25%. To most that may not seem like a big number, to me that is huge! A one in four chance I may have to have another surgery and more chemo? Come on! My mom is trying to be a positive force for me but I will admit I still have doubts. Dr. K said if it comes back it will most likely be in my liver. Ok, I can live without some of that. But it's just ANOTHER surgery and more CHEMO?!? Ok, say it with me, CANCER SUCKS.
I'm going to revel in the fact that I am currently cancer free, my hair will grow back, and I have a celebratory cruise in less than 2 months! My next CT will be in 3 months. I hope to not have to update until then!